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We are planning a trip to the UK in Aug09. I take several meds daily. We only want to use carry on. Does anyone know if I have to bring the original prescription bottle or can I use a pill case? Thanks

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345 posts

Just think about it this way... what if you were going through a friend's purse and found a number of different baggies with pills in them? Now think about if it were a stranger... and one trying to cross a border.

Others have posted here about putting vitamins into baggies, but I'm not comfortable with that. If I'm pulled for an inspection, I want to feel comfortable and not that I'm having to explain everything.

What I'm doing is taking exactly what I need in the bottles, then transferring to baggies when I'm there. And then once those baggies are empty, they're done. I look at it as reserving space to buy more stuff to bring home! :)

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10344 posts

No one here has yet reported having a problem using a pill case for prescription meds.

However, this is a quote from a 2006 TSA statement of their policy:

"It is recommended, not required, that the label on prescription medications match the passengers boarding pass. If the name on a prescription medication label does not match the name of the passenger, the passenger should expect to explain why to the security officers."

Again, so far no one on this forum has reported having a problem with prescription meds not in their original containers, or having to explain anything to security officers.

But, obviously, the above quote can be read to imply that, technically, you should have the original container or something else (printout from the pharmacy) with your name on it.

One person recently reported here that her pharmacist, when asked specifically about international travel where it is necessary to re-enter the US, recommended that she keep prescription meds in their original container.

Some travelers have said they prefer to err on the side of caution and keep their prescription meds in the original bottle--especially when, in many cases, the bottles are small and actually take up very little room in a carry-on.

And a few here have mentioned that you might want to think twice about trying to get back into the US with ambien or another controlled substance in a pill case, zip-lock bag or similar container that does not clearly establish your right to possess this small subset of prescription meds that are subject to additional legal restrictions that regular prescription meds aren't subject to.

So, although no one here has yet reported a problem here with any kind of prescription med not in its original container--that's not a guarantee, this is a small forum.

Posted by
445 posts

I traveled with my 80+ Mother several times. Although we checked our bags, we always carried her meds in hand baggage. All the meds were in one of those plastic pill organizers as otherwise we never would have been able to keep track of them!! I did bring a letter stating what she had been prescribed
but otherwise they were not labeled. Her meds included tranquillizers. Not one ever questioned these meds. When entering Europe no one usually even looks at your bags. And we had no problem upon arrival at Newark Airport on our return.

If you don't take many meds, carrying them in the original bottles would be no problem as they are light. I only take one medication and I always carry it in the original bottle. It is just when thee are a lot that have to be taken at different times that an organizer becomes necessary.

You could also carry copies of the prescriptions as well. In case you lose a prescription you might then be able to refill it.

Posted by
3428 posts

Some pharmacies will now "package" your meds in blister packs with all the meds in one section for each dosing time (1 per day, or Morn, lunch, evening-however needed). A seperate lable sheet is used to identify the pills. Ask your Dr. or pharmacist about this. I have had to carry as many as 10 different meds at various times when we traveled. I used to be very cautious about using the "real" bottle. It just got too bulky. I never had a problem at any point whether I used the original bottle or but each day's meds in a baggie.

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6898 posts

I bundle my meds in a few larger original bottles with my name on all of them. I have not seen a situation where each med must be in its own bottle with your name and prescription info on it. On our 3 week stays, I have a full 30-day supply. I put them in 2 Ziplock bags. I pull them out at Security along with my 1 Ziplock with liguids so that they see them. I've never had a problem. I've never been asked a question about them. Also, never place them in checked baggage. It might be the last you see of them.

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9109 posts

I have reported several times on this forum that I've been hassled by US Customs for not having my prescriptions in their original containers with my name on them. But going into Europe, customs checks are almost nonexistent, so it's coming back home where you have to be careful. If you bring along just enough pills to cover you while your on the road, you shouldn't have a problem using pill cases. But if your like me and your prescriptions are asthma inhalers and nose sprays for hay fever, it's impossible to just bring enough. Thus, I always bring along the original box in case I'm selected for a hand search when I land at Newark Airport.

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70 posts

I recently traveled overseas with several medications. To be safe, I made sure I had a printout from my pharmacy that stated all medications I was currently prescribed. I also had them specially pack a medication in cream form. If you have liquid or cream medications, they do not have to fit into your 1-quart clear plastic bag for carry-on liquids. If you really want to go carry-on only, you should double-check with your airline and then see if your pharmacy will work with you to specially package anything you need.

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780 posts

I would just take what I need in the bottles: i.e. if I am going for 5 nights, then I will just leave 5 pills in each bottle of whatever I am taking. That way, I do have each medication labeled, and I can just throw out each bottle at the end of the trip and still have most of my supply at home (in baggies, labeled of course). I dont have prescriptions but I do bring allergy pills, Advil PM, etc.

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875 posts

I take my meds in two small containers that have 3 individual sections each. I label each section with the name of the drug. Then I also take the receipts for the meds from the pharmacy which shows my name, doctor's name, name of med, dosage etc, and date filled. I put all this in my quart-size bag for my medications. No trouble so far. Takes up much less room than the individual pill containers.

Posted by
676 posts

Or you could ask the pharmacist to put labels on small pill bags, that way they don't take up much room and the pharmacy label is there with all the pertinent info. I use these kinds of bags for my meds, prescription and OTC, and so far I haven't had any problems either, but to be safe....