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Is it cheaper for us to buy our Euros here before we head for Ireland.
What about debit cards while in Ireland. Don't have one only credit cards, should I get a debit card? Thank you, Catherine

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10344 posts

Yes, the best and cheapest way is to get a debit card that you can use to get cash from ATMs over there.Here's why: Rick Europe Money 101

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10376 posts

I would definitely get a debit card and take both that and your credit card. You can then get cash from the ATM with your debit card, or you can use your credit card for other things if you want. Be sure to notify your bank and credit card company that you will be in Ireland. I would also recommend that you take the fraud number for your bank and credit card company in case you need to reach them. Although I notified my bank that I was going to be in Europe a few months ago, after my first transaction they froze my account because of suspected fraud. Then they tried to contact me at home! I discovered this the next time I needed cash. Luckily I had a card for another account that I used until I was able to contact the bank. Also, your PIN number for your debit card should be 4 digits. I will be going to Ireland for the first time in April and I found that most lodging (B&B's anyway) want to be paid in cash. Have a great trip.

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12172 posts

Just to add to what has been said. Take the non-800 numbers for reporting lost/stolen cards to your bank. The 800 number won't work from Europe.

It's good to have a back-up. My wife and I have seperate checking accounts (we're both signers on each). We each bring our debit card. If one is lost/stolen, we can transfer money to the other account and use that debit card for cash.

We also bring one credit card each from different accounts. If a credit card is lost/stolen the bank will lock up or close the account and you won't be able to use it until you get a new card at your home mail address.

So far we haven't lost a debit or credit card in many years of traveling but it's better to be prepared.

Finally, last I knew Northern Ireland uses the British Pound. If you are traveling to both parts of Ireland you will can get pounds from their ATMs.

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1358 posts

If you read previous posts from other experienced travelers you will see that using the ATMs are best.
Obtain an ATM card before you go and use it.

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934 posts

I have two separate accounts at different banks.I put money in each and leave my checkbook with a trusted sister.Then if one works and not the other I email her and she writes a check from one to the other.Most of the time both work but not always.

Posted by
712 posts

You got a lot of good advice. Be sure to have you pin for your debit card in 4 numbers (do not use any letters). I stopped at my bank before leaving and tell them the dates I will be out of the country and where I am going. They added into their computer system. When my husband's wallet was stolen a few years ago we went to the local police station and they called and let us cancel his cards. They said we were lucky I had my own account, many couples don't.