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One week in Ireland

I am going to Ireland for a week in September to celebrate my birthday. My plan is to land in Dublin on Saturday and stay till Monday, head to Dingle and stay there till Wednesday or Thursday and then finish in Galway. Does that sound doable without being too stressfull?

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319 posts


Your plan is possible, but very stressful. The problem is getting from place to place. You don't say if you'll be driving or taking public transportation, but either way would be tough. Transit is scarce in the west of Ireland, and driving these routes in one day would be daunting.

I'd recommend taking two days to go from Dublin to Dingle. You could stop in Cashel and spend the night admiring the Rock of Cashel as it's lit up. Or you could stop in Kilkenny. This would get you into Dingle sometime on Tuesday. Dingle is a great town and you could easily stay there until you have to go home. I'd cut out Galway.

Are you flying out of Shannon or Dublin? Obviously, if it's Dublin (and you can't change it to Shannon) then you'll need to leave time to get back there for your flight home.

If you provide more details on your plans and your priorities, we can give more detailed advice.

Hope this helps.

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6 posts

That's a good point.

I haven't bought my plane tickets yet but I do plan on flying into Dublin and out of Shannon.

I don't have any hard-core plans. I've thought about driving but even just thinking about it makes me break out in a cold sweat :)

The only goal I have is to enjoy and experience. I'm fairly laid back so as long as I have a place to sleep and a way home I'm happy.

I was just going to do Dublin and Galway (I'll be in Dublin for the All-Ireland finals and there's a festival in Galway at the end of the week) but everyone keeps saying how amazing Dingle is so I just figured I'd throw that in. I know I have some time but I enjoy the planning.

ETA: I'm planning on being in Ireland from September 19-26/27. (Happy Birthday to me on the 21st!) The flights I'm looking at land in Dublin early Saturday morning so I can count that as a whole day in the city.

I am dying to see the football/hurling finals (I would give my right arm to get a ticket into Croke Park but I'll be just as happy sitting in a pub watching the games).

The Galway Oyster Fest starts on the 24th and I thought that would also be fun.

I figure that I'll see whatever I get to see. How can you be dissapointed that you "missed something"...I mean you're in Ireland for pete's sake! I consider myself blessed to even be able to take this trip.

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9363 posts

I'd agree with flying into Dublin and out of Shannon to maximize your time on the ground. I disagree, though, that your proposed itinerary is stressful. Three cities/areas in a week is perfectly doable. And you'll find people of varying opinions, but I love driving in Ireland. Yes, it can be slow, and it can be challenging in spots, but it's also fun and gives the most flexibility for changing your schedule on a whim. And if you choose not to drive, there is extensive bus service in the west, but little train service.

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12172 posts

I think it's very doable. For transportation, check out either a rental car or a bus. Busses run regularly and are affordable.

Definitely fly open jaw into Dublin and out of Shannon to save the trip back.

Posted by
147 posts

Happy B"day!

til Monday and til Wednesday? Does that mean you'd leave early on those days?

There are differing opinions on how to travel. Some don't seem to mind running from one stop to another while others want to stop and take in the flavor.

One thing is for sure, it take twice as long to drive from point a to b. So, Monday is a travel day, and by the time you arrive in Dingle and get settled, you eat and hit the hay. That gives you Tuesday in Dingle and then up the next day to drive to Galway, and then you leave for home.
Now if all you want to do is drive from a to b, this is doable. But we like to stop in the little towns along the way and meet the people, have a pint etc. Our travel time is 4 times as long or longer. This is how you truly experience Ireland IMO. I agree with previous poster that mentioned stopping in Kilkenny. That would take the rush out a little. The other thing is Dublin. Might as well be in Manhattan. I get out of there as fast as I can. We watched 06' hurling finals in Dublin - couldn't get a ticket. Go Kilkenny Cats!

Dingle is two full days as well.

Good luck

Posted by
6 posts

Thanks for all the advice!! It is VERY helpfull!!