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Britrail passes

When I validate a pass at the train station, do I tell them what the dates I want it to be? Or will it automatically be validated as of that date?

For example, if I get an 8 day consecutive day pass can I validate the pass when I arrive on Mon, but have the 8 days start on Wed, when I take my first trip on a train?

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1506 posts

Your railpass days will begin the day you validate it so don't get it validated until you arrive at the train station the first day you intend to use it.

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3428 posts

You can get it validated when you arrive, if you like. It works like this: The TOTAL time begins on day of validateion- if you have a "travel 8 out of 15 days" it would be the 15 days that start. The 8 days of travel are written in - one date at a time- ON THE DAY OF TRAVEL. DO NOT write travel dates in in advance.

Posted by
24 posts

Thank you both, that really helps me in determining which pass I should get!