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Vegetarians on Rick's Tours?

Hi Everyone-
I am looking for any advice or first-hand experience from vegetarians who have traveled on one of Rick's package tours. My husband and I are both ovo-lacto vegetarians (eggs and dairy are great, but no meat or fish), and have always had no problems in Europe, but we've never been part of a group tour. We're looking specifically at the England in 14 Days tour, but I would appreciate any insight as to the flexibility and options you may have experienced on any of Rick's tours. We're really pretty easy-going and adventurous other than that one restriction! Thanks in advance for your help!
cross-posted to the General Europe board

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1540 posts

Peggy, I have been on several RS tours and on each tour, there was at least 1 person who was a vegetarian.
The guide took care of them and ordered special meals for them when we ate together and then gave them
guidance where to find the types of food that they need and which restaurants could accommodate their needs.
I'm sure you will have no problem
There is a very large Indian population in the UK and many of them are vegetarians and the restaurants they own serve appropriately.
Happy Travels.

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964 posts

It's quite easy to find vegetarian restaurants here in the UK. And many restaurants have veggie options on the menu. Vegetarianism is quite popular here.