I'm seriously considering a short side trip to see the ruins of the nazi wolf's lair. I know there is at least 1 tour company (U.K. -English) that gives a 3 day tour. Does anyone have any other hints about other tour companies, their ratings or any other info? Is it covered in any of Rick's guide books (or any others)?
You may want to check trip advisor forums. I read online how to get there by public transportation and cabs, do you want to do that or hire a guide? Found this also: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/18/world/europe/restoring-the-walls-and-history-at-a-hitler-command-post.html
Gary, I've also considered visiting that site, but probably won't until it's been "restored" a bit. AFAIK, it's not covered in Rick's books, but you may find something in Lonely Planet, Let's Go, Rough Guides or other Guidebooks. Internet searches should also provide a bit of information. If you can find a good tour, that would probably be the best option. THIS Website, THIS Website or THIS Website might give you a few ideas. If you do make a trip there, be sure to post here as the information may be useful for others. Good luck and happy travels!
Hi, In July of 2005 I went part of the way en route from Poznan (Posen) to Torun (Thorn), my destination on that trip for a few days. That train from Poznan to Torun had its terminus at Olsztyn (Allenstein/East Prussia), ca. 56 mi. from Ketrzyn (Rastenburg). Changing trains at Olsztyn would have gotten me to Ketrzyn direct. Of course, you may choose to go on a tour to Rastenburg but it's doable if you want to track it on your own. The simplest is to go Berlin to Poznan, change to Olsztyn, which is the route going through the former Prussian provinces of Posen and West and East Prussia by the time you arrive in Olsztyn, or Berlin to Warsaw, stay a night or so, then proceed from there. If you're really pressed for time, consider flying from London to Gdansk (Danzig) with Wizzair, then take the train.