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What to do in Ceske Budejovice? Other parts of Hungary?

Planning to spend time in Prague again as well as Krumlov. But we wanted to hang out in Ceske Budejovice...Anyone have any recommendations? Is it worth a stop...

Also, after Czech republic we're heading to Hungary what are your opinions on eger and any villages outside of Budapest?


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4637 posts a regional city, a lot of to do. Climb Black Tower for view, walk the downtown, it is picturesque, visit famous Beerhall Masne Kramy, go to original Budweiser Brewery (Budweis is german name for C.B.). You can visit nearby castle Hluboka, go to nearby Trebon (after Cesky Krumlov probably most picturesque southbohemian town). In C.B. I liked restaurant U zelezne panny. They serve fish from local ponds. I hope it's still there. It has been few years since I ate there. For more suggestions google Ceske Budejovice. A lot of information is in English.