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Visiting the New Acropolis Museum in Athens

Has anyone been to the new Acropolis Museum yet in Athens before visiting the Acropolis? Can you buy the combo tickets at the museum? I ask because they sell an E12.00 combo ticket at the Acropolis which includes the museum but it requires walking past the museum up to the Acropolis entrance and then going back again. It makes more sense to visit the museum first.

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4535 posts

I've been to the museum but don't recall if you can buy the combo ticket there. I'm not sure you really need to visit the museum first, it's mostly original scultpures and excavated artifacts rather than heavy on history and text for the site. If you take a guided tour or get an audio guide of the site you won't really gain anything by seeing the museum first.

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1438 posts

Katherine Went to the museum in March for the first time and it was great. Worth getting there early as it can be busy and is a prime destination for Greek school trips. Don't know about the combo ticket but I imagine you can. Even if not you don't need to walk up to the Acropolis entrance to get one. The ticket office for the Theatre of Dionysus is pretty much opposite the entrance to the new Acropolis museum. BTW, the coffee bar in the new museum is remarkably cheap and has great views. Apparently the food is also good and reasonably priced. Alan

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144 posts

Thanks, everyone. Katie, you are right. I got a response from the museum directly and they are NOT part of the combo ticket, even though I found information on their website to the contrary.
I have to visit the museum first because we are not going to exit on that side of the Acropolis. It has nothing to do with what order is better. It's about the direction we will headed. We're going to exit by climbing down the north side instead directly into the Placa. We did this in reverse one year and it's the perfect exit to save time if you have time constraints, which we will.

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144 posts

Alan, thanks for the tip about the Theater of Dionysos entrance being across the street. I didn't realize they have a separate entrance from the Acropolis. It sounds like we can buy our combo tickets at the Theater of Dionysos and visit it before climbing up to the Acropolis? I wonder why none of the guidebooks, maps or websites I have looked at show the actual entrances to anything in Athens. It's like a wild guess as to where to find them. Thanks!

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3444 posts

The Acropolis Museum is NOT included in the combo ticket. BTW, everyone out there, if you are a student in Non-EU country, you still get 50% discount on museums & sites... and teachers/professors too (the latter sometimes not, but bring your ID cards it's worth a try!). THe 6-segment €12 ticket can be bought at ANY of the 6 sites, and is stated to be good for 48 Hours. In fact the only segment (the BIG one, for the Acropolis) is the only one that is date-stamped & they don't look for dates on the others. In addition, you can go to Acropolis only ONCE, but the other 5 tickets can be used for ANY of the 5, as you choose. So if you are crazy about the Ancient Agora, you can go 5 times, and skip the Cemetery, etc completely. Also, I myself have used the Acropolis on day 1 of my visit, and used the others at the end of my trip, with no questions asked. "It Makes more sense to Visit the Museum First" -- NO, according to all my Destination Expert friends, including Athens Architect Nick, and Classics PHd Xaroula, on TA. They ask you, if you're invited to someone's unusual architect-designed house that you have never seen, do you first enter blindfolded and look at the pictures on the livingroom walls, and only then go out to see the exterior? Nick leads some (lucky) friends around, and he always goes up to the Acropolis and THEN to the Museum. BTW, it's a great sequence to go UP at 8 am , beat the crowds, and at Museum, have a snack or early lunch on its terrace gazing up at The Rock; prices are reasonable too!