I am having trouble finding bus schedules for my itinerary. Can someone please tell me which company (prefer safe and comfortable even if costs more) to use for the following routes, and what the daily schedules are (I need to know if I can go early in the morning, need to go the nighth before, etc.). 1. Selcuk to Pamukkale/Denizli (prefer Monday morning) 2. Pamukkale/Denizli to Antalya (likely Tuesday morning) 3. Antalya to Konya (Saturday morning)
4. Konya to Goreme (Sunday morning) Much appreciated! Thanks.
I found the Turkey Travel Planner website invaluable. Here's his page on bus travel in Turkey: Link.
I have no specfic advice on companies or schedules. All of those locations are large enough and close enough that they should be served by multiple direct buses each day. I will, however, make a couple of recommendations based on traveling I've done in Turkey. 1). Check out wikitravel.org in addition to the Turkey Travel Planner website that was recommended. It has good basic information on transportation, specifically some of the keys cities served by direct buses. 2). Look at a copy of Lonely Planet Guide for Turkey. It has good transportation information for just about everywhere.
3). Bring a map and a pad of paper/pencil to help with communication. You'll be able to point to a spot or write a Turkish word much easier than you'll be able to pronouce it or hear/understand it. 4). Make note of public holidays in May that could affect travel. I think there are a couple of them. 5). As a worst case scenario, simply buy your tickets for the next leg of your trip as soon as you arrive in town. You'll at least be able to plan based on departure times. All of your trips are short enough (4 hours or less) with the exception of the Antalya/Konya segment that any decent bus company will do, so I would pick based on departure/arrival times. Good luck!
We used KamilKoc and Suha bus companies in Turkey. Both were good but KamilKoc was a little better - they even had WiFi on the bus! I'd rely on hotel staff members to help you make your transportation arrangements. You can probably check schedules online for these two bus companies but I'm not certain that their websites will be in English.
there is a bus company called pamukkale, they have big red buses. i took quite a few times very good exp. i usually buy the departing tickets when i arrive at the bus station, and you will likely see a few windows next to each other. they're about the same price, just schedule differences. usually 1 or 2 days in advance is good enough.