I have one extra day to spend either in Turkey or Egypt. I have to decide between Ephesus (Turkey) and Red Sea or Alexandria (Egypt). I need one choice between the three
Hard to make a recommendation without knowing all of your travel plans. Are you going to be in all three places - if so, what is the breakdown so that we have a better perspective before taking a wild guess.
Off hand, I would say the Red Sea since it will have warm weather compared to the other 2 - I believe Alexandria could be rainy that time of the year.
Although Egypt is one of my favourite countries in the world,it depends which of the three is closest but there is lots to see in Ephesus and it could be a long trip to Alexandia which I would not find worthwhile if thats the only city in Egypt you would visit.
Thanks Arnold and Margaret
Here is my full itineary - I am spending a total of 9 days in Egypt ( 3 in cairo+ 3night cruise +1 day for Abu simbel and 3 days in Istanbul. I have one more day to spend either in Cairo or Istanbul.
Thinking of either Ephesus (day trip from Istanbul) or Alexandria (day trip from Cairo)
I would use that extra day in Istanbul and have 4 days there.
Given your full itinerary, my suggestion for the Red Sea won't work. It will depend on what interests you more and what your transportation options are.
I know that Alexandria is easy to get to from Cairo on the regular trains and has a number of sights to see. I haven't been to Ephesus (nor researched it) so not sure if can get there on your own or whether you have to go on a tour if time is limited.
Thanks all for the suggestions.
add a day to Istanbul.