The overnight train (1st class sleeper, single supplement) is very expensive (200$), so I changed to a 55 zloty ($20) bus ticket on Euroline. Problem is roads in Poland/construction - took 9 hours instead of 7 (stops once for bathroom). Very uncomfortable. Think Orangelines the way to go. Must have read their schedule wrong, didn't see one departing on the day I wanted, but it pulled out of the Krakow bus station an hour before mine did (she said it cost less than Eurolines, also!). Arrived after Budapest subway closed, so got ripped off by Budapest cabbie (Rick warns about, but I didn't read cause was planning on subway).
Is Orangelines another bus company? Why do you think it would have been better? Newer buses?
Yes - they are a "new" company. I read about them on this message board (a travel agent knew about them and recommended to another traveler, who was very happy with the comfort/service). I spoke briefly with the curbside employee as the bus was loading.
FYI (I didn't know this about the buses). They do not have bathrooms, look at the schedule to see when they show a stop (In this case it indicated a bathroom break). However, they were an hour late for the first one (and never mentioned it to anyone). Also, the second leg of the trip was 6 hours (no stop) +running late!