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Travelling with a pet to Greece, experience anyone?

I'm going to be travelling to Greece in about 1.5 months with a small dog. I've read about all different kinds of regulations (microchip, vaccinations, tests) and in other cases, forms. All of it is a little confusing and since I don't want to have problems at the border, I wanted to consult someone who has actually been to Greece with a pet. Our dog had her rabies shots and her microchip put 7 months ago. Her test results were issued a week ago. Would this be enough for me to enter? do I need to apply for any type of visa? Some countries like the UK still require a 3 months waiting period after the test but I am not sure what is the requirement in Greece and more importantly, how strict are they at the border ?

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3132 posts

You might try posting your questions on the website in their Turkey forum. I recommend to you that in the future you include all pertinent details, such as the fact that you are entering Greece from Turkey, and if it's by car, plane or ferry, etc. The more details you provide the better someone can provide you with the right information. Because you hadn't specified, in my initial response I assumed that you were coming from the U.S. into Greece.

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19 posts

No problem - I really appreciate the help :) TripAdvisor definitively sounds like a good idea!

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19 posts

I haven't, but A. Although we are American, we are coming with the dog from Turkey, B. I wanted to hear from someone who has actually done it, someone with experience. Formality in Greece is sometimes only a recommendation, so I wanted to know what happens in reality ... :)

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14 posts

I live in Sweden and just got back from a trip to the UK, through France and Belgium back to Sweden with my puppy. And generally speaking, pet rules within Schengen are the same - but just check the Greek ministry of agriculture or border agency website to confirm. One definite rule is that they can't travel until 21 days after the rabies vaccination. And the rabies vaccination must take place AFTER the microchip is fitted. All of this talk about quarantine on these sites is really out-of-date!!!!! Travelling with a dog in Europe has never been easier. My puppy and I had a great trip and no trouble getting in and out of the UK or back into the Schengen zone and into Sweden.