Need help: Has anyone taken their iphone with them to Eastern Europe? What international plan did you buy? Ruth
I took my iphone last summer to Germany. Here is how I handled it with no additional fees when returning home. First I bought a $25 International plan through ATT just for security as I didn't know how I would come out. Second, I put the phone on "airplane" mode and didn't take it off unless I needed to call someone. I also took it off all "push" features so nothing could come through without me allowing it. The biggest thing to be careful of is people texting you. ATT told me that was the one thing they couldn't control and you do get International charges when the texts come through which is why I used airplane mode so much. I called customer service 3 times to clarify things before going as well.
I used the wi-fi feature exclusively instead of the 3G and did make 1 phone call which was covered under my International plan. I discovered that really the only benefit of the International plan was reduced charge per phone call and small amount of airtime which I really didn't use due to the wi-fi access.
I am also traveling to this summer to Bulgaria so please post back what you find out especially if you come up with something better!