We were planning a trip to Turkey in March or April of 2008. However we are concerned about traveling to Turkey due to the current conflict with Turkey and Iraq. Should we be concerned?
I was just in Turkey for 10 days in October. We traveled from Istanbul to Cappadocia to Izmir and back to Istanbul. It was perfectly safe, but airport security is some of the most stringent anywhere. Leave yourself a little extra time at Turkish airports. The best thing to do is to keep checking on the political situation and modify plans as needed. Turkey is a fabulous country. Have a great time!
I wouldn't be concerned at all. Go ahead and make your plans for a wonderful time in Turkey. Turkey is one of the great travel experiences in the world-friendly people, beautiful landscape, good prices, nice weather, lots to see and do. Don't let unnecessary fear disrupt your travel plans. Even if things were to heat up on the far eastern border in the ongoing conflict with the PKK, I wouldn't change my plans in the least. Turkey is a safe place to travel. Some of Rick's 2008 tours to the region are already on a waitlist.
We just got back from our trip to Istanbul on Monday and it was great. There's absolutely nothing to worry about with the problems with Iraq. The Turkish people are the friendliest, most hospitable that we've ever met and that didn't change at all once they learned we were American. We really enjoyed it. It's already been said that the security is pretty tight. I think we went through 4 security checks at the airport in Istanbul...one of them as soon as we walked in the door to the airport!