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I am flying into Munich next year, and staying for a total of 10 nights, with most nights in Austria. Am thinking of visiting Ljubljana, and was looking for advice on the best way to get there. I have viewed several websites - flying right now is out because of the expense, so it looks like going by train is a better option. Has anyone gone from Munich-Ljubljana or Vienna-Ljubljana or both by train? If so, any pros or cons to the trip? I know the trip will be 5-7 hours no matter which way I go.


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162 posts

I took a train from north Ljubljana to Salzburg last summer. Gorgeous scenery. I had a real adventure and couldn't do it in one trip - but that's a story for an adventure book. I love trains and staring out the window.

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881 posts

Hi, Robert.

If you're going to visit Salzburg, leaving from there to Lju is your best best - short(er) trip, and very beautiful.

It's also a nice drive (faster than train), and not overly expensive - if you return the car to Salzburg. (Slovenia is very easy to drive in.) **Car is also nice once in Slovenia to go see the caves, etc - the bus schedule is not what it used to be.

Save your time on a short trip and stop in Salzburg, (or somewhere south in Austria), then Ljubljana the next day.

Msg me with any questions. =)
