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Train or other transportation from Sarajevo to Odessa

Hi - first time posting here. I'm planning on going to Sarajevo and then want to get to Odessa and maybe travel on to Kiev and then back to the States. Any ideas how to get from Sarajevo to Odessa (plane flights seem quite expensive). If there are trains, how long do they take and how much do they cost? Many thanks. Glad to join this group.

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1591 posts

Wow, you are trying to connect two places that are quite far apart. I had looked at something similar for this summer since we are starting in Sarajevo and heading east - so here are some suggestions.

1) Sarajevo to Belgrade - 7 hrs by bus - train takes a lot longer

2) Belgrade to Timisoara in Romania - 4 hrs by train

3)Timisoara to Odessa - fly on Carpatair - flights are 88€ if booked in advance.

If you choose not to fly, then you will have to travel across Romania to Iasi (probably at least 8-12 hours), then onto Chisinau in Moldova (2+ hours) and then bus to Odessa (6 hours).

Due to time limits, I decided to skip Odessa and limit myself to Lviv and Kyiv only. Hence, from Belgrade, I'll head N through Subotica, Szeged, Budapest, Kosice and then enter Ukraine at Uzhgorod and then catch the train to Lviv.

Hope this helps.

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1358 posts

With those special needs, your best advice will be from a travel agent. Paying his fee will be worth the saving in dollars and time. You can ask him all those technical questions and then your followup questions.