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Train from Budapest to Prague with a stop in Bratislava

Hi, I plan on taking the day train from Budapest to Prague and would like to stop in Bratislava for a few hours. I have looked but can't find specific info to confirm that the train stops in Bratislava and if I can do this on one continuous ticket or if I need two separate tickets.
Any info is greatly appreciated.

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4637 posts

All trains from Budapest to Prague stop in Bratislava. If you have nonspecific ticket e.g. without reservation you can get off in Bratislava and board another train later. Otherwise you would need two different reservations. That should be no problem.

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18580 posts

I am not a train guru so I cant be of much help. So please forgive me if i wander a little bit. It is an interesting idea, but if you had one extra day an overnight stay in Vienna would be an excellent idea. Another consideration might be to take the boat up to Bratislava. Not the most scenic of boat trips but the Hydrofoil is fun, or at least an "experience" (once). Finally an option would be to hire a car and driver and stop at the Pannonhalma Archabbey along the way to either Vienna or Bratislava to pick up the train. Happy Trails and someone will come along with a train schedule for you.