Has anybody taken a jewish-oriented tour to Terizin from Prague? Same thing for Auschwitz
Just in case no one replies to your very specific question, I have been to Terezin. Didn't do a Jewish-oriented tour. Just went on our own via bus from Prague, and then did the English tour at the camp. So if I can help in ANY way, let me know!
In 2010 I took a tour to Terezin with Sylvie Wittmann tours. It was excellent and price included transportation and admission. The website I used was www.wittmann-tours.com . This information can be found in RS Eastern Europe book. That same year I was on the RS Best of Eastern Europe tour and we went to Auschwitz. Our group had a tour guide from Auschwitz with us throughout our visit. The RS Eastern Europe book also has a section on Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Like Amy, I went to Terezin on my own. All the explanations are also in English. It's very easy to take the bus there and back. I started at the prison/fortress, which is much more about the political prisoners. Then I walked into the town (the bus runs infrequently and it's a nice walk). There is much to see there at several sites, also more "Jewishness." Auschwitz - sorry, not been, not going.
If that is the focus you want, I'd suggest finding it rather than going on your own. I've done both independently, which was moving in itself, but could have been vastly improved with an expert.