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Taxi from Myceneae

We will be in Naphlion for one day and would like to take a taxi to Myceneae. I am not concerned about finding a taxi in Naphlion to take us to this site. My concern is coming back. Are there taxi's waiting for you on the return back to Naphlion from Myceneae? I have been quoted a price of 80 euros by a taxi company. I think that is a bit much when all we want is transportation to and back. We do not need or want a bells and whistles tour. This is only about a 25 minute ride. Rick Steves states that it would be about 15 euros to take a taxi to Myceneae but to secure your ride back with the driver. Are taxi drivers to be trusted to return? That is why I asked if there were taxi's waiting around the area of Myceneae. I like Rick Steves cost (30 euors round trip) better than 80 euros. I have already looked into the public transportation but it really doesn't fit into our schedule. Thank you! Sally

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4535 posts

I honestly don't remember any taxis waiting around. It's fairly remote so I doubt they would be there since if you got there you must be able to get back. I'd think you must make an arrangement with the driver. You might have better luck finding a taxi that day and working out an arrangement on the spot. The company probably quotes you the full meter rate.

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1438 posts

I think it's unlikely you'll find a taxi at the site. If there are any they are likely to be at the turn off from the main road, where the Athens bus stops, which is quite a walk away. When we've wanted to do something like this we have either asked the driver who has taken us out to return at a specific time or, more recently, taken the firm's phone number and asked them to come and pick us up. Both have always worked fine. BTW, the taxi rank in Nafplio is right by the bus station. Both Nafplio and Mycenae are great and I'm sure you'll really enjoy them. Alan

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32419 posts

Bob, I was there a few months ago, but don't remember any Taxi's waiting at the site (lots of Tour Buses though). In the same situation, some methods I'd consider: > Pre-arrange with your Driver for pick-up at a particular time. > Ask the Staff at the site to call a Taxi for you. I really enjoyed my stay in Nafplion. Happy travels!