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Taking a laptop on Turkey Tour?

My husband and I will be traveling on Rick Steves' Tour of Turkey next month and wondering if it's worth the extra weight to take a laptop. Do those of you that have taken this tour lately know if there's internet connections in the hotel rooms on this our or whether the hotels offer a computer where guests can check email? Mostly we wanted it for the week after the tour when we'll be staying in Istanbul for last minute info on what's happening there. What do you thin? Thanks! My husband is considering bringing a laptop computer but we don't know if it will be worth the extra weight. Can you tell me if the hotels we will be staying in have internet connections in the rooms? Do they have a computer available for guests to check email?

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32419 posts

Janet, you might have a look at the websites for each of the Hotels you'll be staying in, as they often indicate whether Wi-Fi or a Guest Computer are provided. I use that method prior to embarking on tours these days. ¶ One point to mention regarding Hotel computers is that they're often in use by other guests, so it's sometimes difficult to find some "free time" to get on the net. If you do manage to get access, after a few minutes you may find another guest standing over your shoulder while tapping their feet and looking at their watch. Finally, Hotel computers will most likely have a keyboard that's peculiar to the country you're in, and some of them are quite a challenge to use. ¶ I've resisted taking a computer on past trips but travelled with a Netbook for the first time this year. It will be with me on every trip from now on! There were countless times when I was very grateful to have it, rather than relying on Hotel computers. Netbooks don't have a lot of "extra weight" so they're very easy to travel with, and also very inexpensive (~$400). Happy travels!

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175 posts

I took my Acer w/me on the RS tour in October. At that time it seemed every second hotel had WiFi so I was able to connect easily. A plus was the deskclerk in Kusadasi who was entranced with my notebook and offered to buy it from me!

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4 posts

Unfortunately, I can't find anything in the tour info that gives a list of all the hotels (only the first and last ones) so I'm not able to see if they all have internet access. I've also sent an email to the tour guides but thought I'd ask here too. Thanks Janet

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85 posts

hi, this is gokhan from izmir - Turkey, there is a good option from Vadafone and Turkcell in Turkey, you can by a USB modem ~100-150 USD and SIM card for data connection for one month ~max. 30 USD and you can use whereever you want it mobile signals are very well in all touristic places and connection speed is better than Europe. You can buy it from airport Vadafone or Turkcell shops or from city centre. but as I said you you can find ADSL wireless connections in the hotels easily but it could be only available in the loby

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322 posts

Janet,we are leaving tomorrow for the RS Turkey tour and we received the list of hotels and fellow travelers exactly one month in advance.

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4 posts

I just love this site. It's just so darn helpful. I just got my list of hotels in the mail from Rick Steves tours too. I can look them up and see what to expect. I think I've essentially decided that if my husband wants to carry the laptop, more power to him..hahahaha Best of times on your tour and thanks to all for their responses.

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2787 posts

I took the RS Turkey Tour in May and June of this year. No one on the tour (as far as I could see) brought their computer. Several found it necessary to check their e-mail to see it they missed anything and I believe all of them we able to use different hotel"s (that we stayed at) computers and I did notice a line up for those computers. Good luck. Pack light. Happy travels. aloha charlie

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990 posts

Internet cafes have virtually disappeared in most of Europe, but not in Turkey. And they are very inexpensive. I assume you will be staying in the Sultanahmet section of Istanbul[INVALID]you'll have an easy time finding a place there.

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508 posts

Janet - Just finished the Turkey tour and those who had laptops had no issues using wi-fi at most of the tour hotels. We didn't bring a laptop but we did use the computers available in a few (but not all) of the hotels.

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281 posts

Janet, I was on a RS tour in April and can tell you there is a computer in the lobby if you are staying at the Acra. It was relatively easy to use the keyboard after the personnel explained the @ and a couple of other differences. Don't know about Cappadoccia and the other villages on the tour. You're in for a real treat! Paula