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Single woman traveling to Istanbul

Is it safe? I have traveled to the UK, Paris, all over Italy alone and never felt unsafe. Because Istanbul is culturally different compared to the destinations I mentioned, I would really appreciate your input. I am looking to spend 8 nights there. Is that too much time in one location? Thanks in advance.

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2876 posts

We felt very safe in Istanbul. And don't worry about 8 nights, there's no way you'll run out of things to do. We hired a guide our first day there and she was very useful in orienting us to the city and teaching us about the culture. I would highly recommend you do the same.

If you judge safety by crime rates, Istanbul is one of the safest cities in Europe - far safer than London, for example. You can read the city of Istanbul's safety fact page here:

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272 posts

Hi Jennifer -
Any chance you will be there in early Sept? We will be there from Sept 2 - 7 and we are two female travelers. You could always hook up with us for some company!
And even though I am traveling with someone....I recently met a guy who is from Turkey so thought I would ask some questions. I was talking to him about Istanbul and safety (we were wondering how it would be to be out late at night, trying to get back to hotel) and he said that it's like any city if you just use common sense and he said he would have no worries of his sister in the city if she was trying to get home in a taxi at night. He was very re-assuring.

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536 posts

Hi Jennifer - I have been taking groups to Turkey for many years - Not a problem at all. You see, the highest crime rate in the civilized world is in The United States - so please don't judge the rest of the world by our actions.


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157 posts

Thank you for your responses. I feel much better now. One of my co workers is from there and is going there next Tuesday. I found out another co worker traveled alone also and she said it is very safe.

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1 posts

Yes, you will be safe. I live in Turkey and am a single female. I have had no problems..except for the carpet sellers always wanting to sell me a rug. They will look at you and say "Excuse me, I need to tell you something." and they look so serious. That's the worst of it. They young guys will want to flirt if you go out to clubs, but they won't bother you if you don't want to talk to them. They won't get aggressive or anything like that. 8 days isn't enough to see all of Istanbul. There is so much to do there.

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8668 posts

Jennifer, this reply may come too late, but I am a woman and traveled solo for 2 weeks in 2007 to Istanbul and Turkey. I had an absolutely incredible time and never once felt disadvantaged or afraid. The Turks are very friendly and will help you out whenever they can. I've traveled solo through most of Europe and Turkey is my new favorite country - I can't wait to go back.

If you're interested, I kept a blog of my trip. You can find it at

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354 posts

Mardee, nice blog! Hi Jennifer, this question gets posted every once in a while, understandably so. Istanbul felt pretty safe to me (my friend and I, both women, were there and we sometimes split up). In the old city - the more touristy part - the men tend to pay more attention to women tourists but it's mainly to try to sell you something. And it's quite easy to get a taxi at night back to your hotel if you don't fancy taking the tram or other public transport back.

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4 posts

It is absolutely safe traveling alone in Istanbul, cause there are just lots of women doing the same thing. Me wife was staying last autumn at Tria Elegance hotel for 2 weeks, and I must say she didn't regret at all. It doesn't matter how long you are going to stay - you won't have enough time to explore this country anyway)