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Side triops from Ephesus

My wife and I will be with a cruise line tour in early May. Is there a solid reason to take a tour that includes towns such as Miletus, Didyma, Sirince etc.? Or would our one-day time be better spent focusing on Ephesus itself? Thank you in advance for any recommendations you can offer. Bob & Pat

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811 posts

you probably don't need to see all of these villages. if you move fast efes can be done in a few hours, but could take longer if you look at everything very closely. there are couple of sites in selcuk you can walk to or short ride away to fill in for the rest of the day. i only went to Sirince it's a small town on the hill with a lot of wineries you can walk and do some shopping, so if you have just one day you'll have plenty to do, no need to join other tours.

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3280 posts

I agree that you could see Ephesus in 2-3 hours and that a tour of all of the villages wouldn't be necessary. We liked Sirince but didn't visit the other villages you listed. I'm not sure about transportation to the village - the staff at our hotel (Hotel Bella) dropped us off for lunch and shopping and picked us up a few hours later.

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338 posts

I think it depends on how much interest you have in Greek and Roman-era ruins. Priene, Miletus and Didyma are all quite interesting. However, Ephesus is the top Roman-era site in the area and should be seen before the others. Sirince is a nifty little village with circa 1700's buildings. The real draw there is just walking around, drinking fruit wines and buying lace. Ephesus will take about a half day for a detailed visit. There are plenty of additional places worth a visit in Selcuk (town near Ephesus) that could take up the other half day, e.g. Ephesus museum, Temple of Artemis site, Basilica of St. John. If you have only one day Ephesus/Selcuk is the clear choice in my mind.

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19 posts

Sounds as though the wisest choice involves both Ephesus (we knew that going in) and Selcuk. How does one (my wife and I) get there from Ephesus. One other thing. Does anyone know if the Ephesians ever wrote back to Paul? Just wondering...Bob

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338 posts

Hi Bob, To answer your travel question. Ephesus and Selcuk are quite close to each other - a bit more than 1 mile apart. You easily walk down the mostly flat road between the two. There should also be taxis available at both locations. Selcuk itself is small and easy to walk around. Enjoy your trip!

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19 posts

Thanks for the tip on Ephesus/Selcuk. One last question; how accessible are those mini-busses that run between Kusudasi and Ephesus and do they run frequently? Is it a cash only bus? how much? The last thing I need is to arrive back in Kusudasi in time to see our cruise ship sailing towards the horizon without us. My wife would never forgive me. Thanks

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811 posts

the mini bus are frequent but always check upon arrival in selcuk. cash only, seats are pretty good. it's not a very long trip, so you'll be fine.