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Sabinov to Vienna

We will be meeting relative for the first time in Slovakia and then need to get to Vienna. We really don't want to spend 8 hours on a train with multiple train changes. At alternate suggestions? Has anyone rented a car for one day in Slovakia? We are thinking if we drive to Bratislava, it's only an hour train ride to Vienna. Help is appreciated.

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4637 posts

I found train which takes seven and half hour from Sabinov to Vienna. It is 412 km from Presov (close to Sabinov) to Bratislava. That translates at least to 5 hours driving to Bratislava, then return the car for hefty fee (if it's even possible), then get to the station in Bratislava, catch a train to Vienna and it does not seem to me that you would be any faster than by train. Certainly not worth hassle and expense. My advice: take train. It takes time but at least most of it is a scenic ride.

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20 posts

Thank you. I'll take your advise