I'm thinking of visiting these baths while in Budapest, as they're open to me (female) one weekday of my visit. The info I could find said they've been refurbished. Anyone been there recently? Do they have the same setup as the larger bath complexes (wristbands, places to lock your clothes)? I'm also planning to visit the Szechenyi baths, but thought a smaller Turkish bath might offer a different experience. Advice welcome, thanks!
i was at rudas last summer and can say the inside is pretty new. outside and lobby looks old school, but facility is actually pretty good. the turkish style dome is cool, and it has a few really reasonable rates for certain time. you'll have your own secure locker with key. you want to bring a towel of your own and swimming suit.
I haven't tried the Rudas Baths. I visited Szechenyi baths in October and highly recommended it. This bath is frequented by locals. The staff speaks limited or no English. When you pay you get a rubber wristband like a watch. You go back outside and walk all the way around (same position where you paid except on the opposite side of the building) enter to the locker room. Know the words for men and women so you don't end up in the men's. Pick a locker or cabin (cost more) and remember the #. The wrist band opens and locks it when you press it again it. If you have trouble operating it you can always ask a local to show you. The pools are upstairs - lap pool is outside and the thermal baths and saunas are inside in another building. Men and women use the same facilities and everyone worn swim suit (when I was there). Note: The thermal pools and saunas close early. I really loved the thermal baths and sauna. My skin never felt so soft afterward. The facility is nothing like the spas in the US. If you can overlook that you'll enjoy it. I have also tried turkish bath in Turkey and didn't catch anything. I definitely would do it again and I'm OCD. Bring your own towel, soap, shampoo and conditioner to shower afterward.
Yeah! I visited the Szechenyi baths with a few of my tour mates and it was fantastic. Def a trip highpoint. And me losing my swimsuit in the whirlpool area greatly amused the fat Hungarian men in their speedos and thus led to an international bonding moment. Rick's guidebook bit on these baths makes the experience sound a whole lot more intimidating than it actually is. Piece of cake actually.