For those who took the Eastern European tour in 2012 I would like to know which hotel(s) the tour used in Budapest and Krakow. We are taking the tour in June and are assuming they are most likely using the same hotels. I would like to view the hotel and also use Google Maps Street View and "walk" around the area.
I took the tour in May 2012. We stayed at Rezydent Hotel Krakow ( which I understand was a new hotel for the tour and may (or may not) be used again. In Budapest we stayed at Hotel Erzsébet City Center ( You should get your hotel list about 6 weeks before the tour starts. I don't know that you can assume you will stay in exactly the same places - there are many factors that influence which hotel is ed (time of year, group size, etc.) Also, out of the seven hotels my tour stayed in, only three of them were listed in Rick's book. You can assume you will be staying in the downtown/central location and that it will be comfortable and clean (but not necessarily quiet - the Krakow hotel was VERY noisy). I loved the tour, hope you do as well.
Don, The tour hotels sometimes change based on availability, group size, etc. so it's difficult to predict which Hotels will be used on your particular tour. I'd suggest contacting the RS tour department for the most specific information. As your tour is in June, they should be able to at least provide your first and last hotels now. That looks like a great tour, and one that's on my "list" as well. It's a bit high for my current budget so will have to wait for a few years. Happy travels!