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Rick Steves Eastern Europe Tour - age groups?

Hi - I'm in my mid 30s and would like to take the 17 days tour of eastern europe.. I am wondering what the age group is typically like on one of these tours? Does it typically skew olders (50+) or people in their 30s/40s or teens? I have a hunch that its typically older but just want to check with others who have actually taken the tour.


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10344 posts

If you don't get good answers here, I recommend calling the Rick Steves/Europe Through the Back Door offices and talking to one of their trip consultants, because they can give you first-hand information about what you're asking, perhaps even connect you with one of the guides of that exact Tour.

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864 posts

I suspect it is skewed towards the 50+ crowd but remember these are almost without exception seasoned travelers with a "back door" mental attitude. We took a RS tour of Athens and the Heart of Greece and there was only one person on it in her early thirty somethings. She seemed to have a hell of a good time. Really interesting group of people from many professions and walks of life all of whom had traveled extensively on their own. Like us, most choose to take a tour of Greece so we could get a better flavor for the place without worrying about the road signs (Greek alphabit) etc. Would do it again in a heartbeat.

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3112 posts

Having taken 8 Rick Steves tours over the past 10 years, I can tell you there's no way to be certain what the age mix will be on any given tour. It simply depends on who decides to sign up. Summer tours tend to attract a wider range of ages including some families, but I've also been on spring and fall tours that had a fair number of people in their 20's and 30's. Generally, I'd say the average age of groups has skewed toward older over those 10 years and that summer tours are you best chance of a younger mix. That said, each tour group is a random collection of travelers with a common interest, which means you'll probably find someone that you'll connect with regardless of their age.

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2 posts

thanks everyone for your feedback. I think I'm going to give it a shot!

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1 posts

I have the same question as you -- my husband and I would love to take the 17 day tour but afraid of being the only people in their thirties. I'm not sure why it matters, it just seems like it would. When are you thinking of going? I'd love to hear your experience if you go.