Any suggestions for a beautiful, charming hotel in Pargue in October? First time visiting! Thanks!
allison, There are lots of choices listed in the Guidebook. You might have a look at This Pensione to see if it meets your criteria in terms of location and price. I'll be visiting Prague for the first time in September, and quite looking forward to it. Happy travels!
Hi Allison. Check out the Maximilian Hotel. I believe it is listed in Rick's Eastern Europe book. It is in a great location and not badly priced. We are staying there in September because it appears to suit our criteria. They even will give you goldfish in your room while you are there is you want!
Thank you! I'll look into both of these
My wife and I just got back from Prague and stayed at Hostel Tyn. Just a few minutes walk from Old Town. No ensuite but nice, clean rooms at a great price.
We stayed at Maximilian Hotel the past December for three nights. It was a great location, great breakfast included and nice rooms. The staff was very helpful.
We stayed at Dum u velke boty or the House of the Big Boot in Mala Strana for 5 nights this past April. Located in Mala Strana, easy access by tram or foot to points of interest, everything you need nearby. Perhaps not beautiful, but cozy, charming, and so warm and friendly that we hated to leave. Excellent breakfasts, wifi,great location, but above all the kindness of the owners spoiled us rotten for the next 3 weeks. Have fun. Prague is gorgeous.
We stayed in the House of 3 Storks in Lesser Town in April. It was a great location, and our room was charming. Everything was immaculate, and the staff was most helpful.
Let me put in a vote for the RS-recommended Hotel Hastal. In Old Town near the action, fine service, free breakfast, bathrooms en suite.
Second the Hastal.
Price is a bargain, too.
Thanks so much for the researching them all!
Hotel Savoy.
We live in Prague now and have placed business guests there. They raved about it.