What is the weather in the first two weeks of October?
The weather is always anyone's guess. Since you are talking early October I would go here and average Sept and Oct: http://www.weather.com/weather/wxclimatology/monthly/graph/HUXX0002?from=month_bottomnav_undeclared You started me thinking. I've been to Budapest in Jan, Mar, Apr, June, July, Aug, Nov and Dec. While October is one of the few months i haven't actually bee in Budapest i have been there in April which is statistically identical and i loved it. The answer is "cool" but pretty dry, and its dry that might be important if you are sight seeing. Its actually not a bad time to GO as tourism will be light and the hotels will be discounted. Sorry. This doesn't seem like much help. With the cooler months the concerts, opera, pperet, etc pick back up if that helps any.
Actually it helps a lot
Thanks. Jennie