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Mucha's Slav Epic

Hi fellow travelers... Does anyone know the latest re: Mucha's Slav Epic being moved to Prague? We'll be there in a few weeks and would love to see Mucha's paintings, but I can't find any up-to-date info. All help will be appreciated! :-)
~ Jean

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4637 posts

You will find the latest news if you google Mucha Slav Epic and then go to news for Mucha Slav Epic. All of it has been already moved to Prague from Moravsky Krumlov and they intent to exhibit it in the old building of Main train station. But it looks like it won't be ready for your visit.

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2776 posts

When we were in Prague in summer 2010 we saw an exhibit in the Town Hall of the competition among architects (students?) to design a home for the entire Epic to be displayed, from a choice of 3 sites, two on Letna Hill and the 3rd on Vitkov (IIRC), this latter was the winning design and site. Our understanding was that constructionist was to happen and the Epic would move there on completion. This has not yet happened...

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72 posts

Thanks everyone for your input! The last I could find was that all the paintings have been moved to Prague, but that there is no money to display them, so they are being kept in storage for now. That's really sad, to take them from where people could see them and hide them away where they can't, for what sounds like purely political reasons.