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Money in Romania

Help! My first trip overseas and I'm going to Romania and then onto France and England. My travel agent has advised I need a credit card with a pin. I have called all of my credit card companies and none of them have indicated I need a pin number for purchases. I realize I would need this for money withdrawals. Can someone advise? I'm really nervous - I don't want to bring a ton of cash with me - but I also don't want to have my cards rejected. I read Rick's information about not needing the pin number - but wanted to see if anyone had any problems. Thanks!

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1840 posts

You don't need a pin. We were there a year and a half ago and didn't need a chip and pin card. In a few words here's how you do money. There are a few permutations. Set up a checking account at a credit union. Put most of your travel money there and get a debit card. Use the debit card in Romania at bank ATMs to get cash. We get enough to last about a week. Our credit union charges three dollars per transaction. It is a good idea to have a second account with another debit card for "just in case". All ATMs do not work all the time. Have two cards for each account. We found that people in Romania are too busy with their daily lives to cause a problem with you for carrying a wad of cash. There are two of us, we each carry one of the debit cards for each account and half the cash. The cash gets distributed in various pockets, wallets, purses, etc. Chip and pin cards may be required for some purchases and in some restaurants. We use cash.

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21398 posts

There are only a couple of US financial institutions that will issue you a chip and pin card. I have no idea the exchange rate fees and interest they charge. I've been to Romania and had no insurmountable problems with a standard credit card; AMEX. and MC. I never tried but I have been told that chances are slim your ATM card will work. I love Romania, have a great trip.

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2787 posts

This question, or some very similar, gets asked on this web site several times a week. Have you used the "Search" function in the upper right had corner of this web site? Have you read: "Graffiti Wall > Money/communications > ATMs: minimizing fees" You might want to try both since you have asked a question that will get many different opinions.
I go to Europe every year for the last 11 years. I do not take any foreign currency with me from the US. The exchange rates and fees are TOO great here. I use a debit card tied to a checking account at a local credit union that charges 1% total to get local currency from ATMs that are all over the place in Europe. I would suggest that you get two cards from different financial institutions just in case one of them get "eaten" or the financial institution cancels one of your cards.

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21398 posts

Kelly, ask away as things do change. There was a period when there were reportedly issues with US Bank debit cards in Romania. I've used mine in Bulgaria and Hungary but hadn't tried in Romania because I never needed that much cash there. This is a country where a car, driver and decent hotel can cost less than a room in Paris.

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3696 posts

I used my ATM car in Romania with no problems, but also do have 2 cards, and some cash just in case. I loved Romania, especially the Transylvania area. Have a great trip.

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227 posts

We were in Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Bulgaria last year and encountered no problems using any of our credit cards. I also used my debit card at least 4 times to withdraw problems there either. Note: I felt we got a real bang for our buck in all 4 of those countries. If you want to carry around a few dollars in "leu" (Romanian money)do not withdraw a huge amount as Romania is not on the would not want to change it back. You will only need a little "walking around" cash. After we paid our bill for our first meal in Bucharest I was astounded at how inexpensive it was for 5 of us....around $40 with beer and great food at Caru' cu Bere. Have a great time Romania is wonderful!

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1540 posts

Glad to see some chat on Romania, Bulgaria, and Serbia. I leave Thurs. for a trip to these 3 countries. I'll have a full report for you all when I return. Couldn't get currency for these countries from TravelEX - they consider them "minor currencies" and could not get any for me. But (knock wood) after traveling all over the world - I've not
any problems with my credit cards or ATM card (with a credit union.)

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3050 posts

I did Romania/the Balkans last October, had no problem withdrawing cash with a normal American debit card from ATMs. I would not carry a ton of cash around Bucharest. That's asking for trouble. Our Romanian hosts said pickpocketing and theft is a huge problem, not just for tourists but for locals. Get out just what you need each day.

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1840 posts

I have to offer a little different perspective on Romania. We were there in September, 2011, Bucuresti and Constanta. While visiting those cities we moved through train stations, bus stations, subway entrances, museums, shops, bars, cafes, etc. and never saw or otherwise experienced unlawful acts. I think it depend where you are. The area around the train station in Bucuresti is kind of scuzzy and we were there and the neighborhood at night and didn't feel threatened. Neither the cops nor the paint huffer paid any attention to us. We always take enough money from an ATM to get us through four or five days because each of our transactions costs three dollars. Sometimes we have more if we are going to pay a hotel bill in cash. Surely, don't flaunt it. After being in the countries of Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, and Czech Republic I have come to the conclusion that the people have more important things to do than prey on tourists. There are, no doubt, petty criminals, but the real crime is caused by crooked politicians and business people. The common folk are just trying to get along and get ahead, and they generally are exceedingly helpful when you need it.