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I will be traveling to Eastern Europe this summer, for a month. Will I be able to use a kindle or nook or any other ereader to access travel information so I don't have to take a guide book?

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3149 posts

Hi Karen. Not every travel guidebook has been adapted for the e-reader marketplace so you'll have to check with the various sources to see what they have to offer. I just bought a Nook, and Barnes & Noble's choice of travel books for the Nook is fairly extensive, almost 500 books. The advantage to a Nook is that you're able to download books from different sources than B&N. If you buy a Kindle you're limited to what offers you. So be sure you know what you're getting. I took a quick tutorial at my local B&N and it was very helpful. I just took a 'stroll' through the B&N Travel section and found several books pertaining to E. Europe, although I don't know if they have what you want. Go register on the B&N website and take a look for yourself. Clik on the green tab "NOOKbooks", "Travel" from the available subjects (left column), then Europe from "See More in Travel". Many "Blaze Travel Guides" are available for E. Europe as well as some from more familiar publishers. FYI-Public libraries now have ebook pdf download systems. My library uses "Library2Go". You can download books to a file on your computer then transfer to your reader, but apparently not onto a Kindle.

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32405 posts

Karen, As Lee mentioned, that will probably depend on which Guidebooks you're using, as not all are offered in E-book format. If you're primarily using Rick's Guidebooks, most of these are now available in a variety of E-book formats. For a list of the current titles, click /ebooks.htm]This Link. If you already have an account with Amazon, it would be very easy to obtain E-books in the Kindle format. One other point to note is that FREE Kindle readers are available for a variety of other devices, including PC & MAC computers, iPhone, iPod Touch and perhaps a few others. I recently downloaded a Kindle Reader for my iPod Touch from the App. Store and a few of Rick's books from Amazon. It seems to work quite well, although it's a bit of a challenge to get to a specific page quickly. That may improve once I learn more about the controls. The Maps are also a bit difficult to read given the small screen, but that would probably be better with a larger screen. Happy travels!