Hi. We will be in Europe for about 16 days but that can be extended by a day or more if necessary. We land in London for a week(this part is non changeable). The question concerns the balance of the itinerary. I booked the air travel 6 months ago so we depart out of Milan. At that time we were going to France. But my husband now wants to go to Berlin, Prague and Budapest. We currently have 9 days for this itinerary(which can be extended if you recommend) Should the order be Berlin Prague Budapest? Budapast Prague Berlin? Berlin Budapest Prague? To further add complexity I had bought the Prague to Milan tickets prior to my husband adding Budapest. I am willing lose the tickets but if Prague is on the back end of the three Eastern European cities then it could still work. I am currently checking out plane and train between these cities. Should we train from Berlin to Budapest or fly? From Budapest should we fly or train to Prague? sSorry for the myriad of options. Let me know how to make this less painful than it is already feeling. thanks
We are in our early 50's, healthy active etc and traveling with our 17 yr old son.
Hi Barbar, We did this trip three years ago, exact same cities. We flew into Berlin and actually got good prices from Cleveland to Berlin. If I remember correctly when we were booking the tickets, it seems that Berlin was the most economical city to fly into which is why it became the first city on our itinerary. From there we fly to Budapest because that was the lonest distance and flying made more sense and saved time. It was easy and convnient to do this from Berlin. We took an early morning train from Budapest to Prague. I don't think it was more than a three hour train ride, but check, my memory is failing me here. We flew home from Prague. Prague airport is wonderful. New and modern, easy to navigate and not huge like Amsterdam, Heathrow etc. I was impressed with it. In the end, I guess it really doesn't matter what order you visit them in, which ever works out best for your family and situation is what I would do. Happy planning and great travel. You'll love these three cities.
We've done a very similar trip and I agree with Lisa on all particulars, except that the train ride from Budapest to Prague is more like 7 hours, so you might want to make that leg a flight as well.