Can you kindly advice best we can cover in hungary in 4 days, we will be arriving in budapest.we are also interested to do daytrips , which places will be possible and do we need to hire a car or is public transport convenient to reach.
Elsewhere in the forum you will find a discussion on the Danube Bend and Vac; both of which are good day trips. Godollo is also lovely in the Spring and early Summer when the Gardens are in bloom. A little further out but still a realistic day trip is Gyor and the Archabbey at Pannonhalma. Eger and Lake Balaton are popular but are more suited for an overnight trip. Having said all of this if you have four FULL days then a day trip is a good idea. If you have anything less than 4 FULL days then you can easily stay busy in Budapest without the side trips. For me a FULL day is when I wake up and go to bed in the same town.
Sorry you didn't get more responses.