I'm having trouble seeing a bus route out of Zagreb to Budapest. Any ideas of alternate routes out of Zagreb with Budapest as the destination? The trains, as an alternative, are ridiculously slow.
The 10 am train out of Zagreb takes 6.5 hours (longer than I remembered) The 5:30 pm Orangeways bus out of Zagreb takes 5.5 hours (runs every other day or so starting in July I believe). Bus is something less than $20 and I am going to guess the train might be just a little more than that.
Qatar Airlines (go figure) non stop is about $300 and takes about one hour.
Thank you James. It's nice to have your help!
Its fun. Let me know if I can help with Budapest.
Oh, that airline ticket you might have to buy round trip to get the best rate. Odd, but one way tickets often cost more.
It's looking like the train will be the best bet for us. I've read that the scenery is beautiful. Do you advise advance purchase, or are we likely to find 2 seats if we purchase immediately before?
I've been on a total of seven trains in Europe, five in the region; so I'm not overly experienced with the subject but I have never been on a train so full that we couldn't find two seats together. If you are really worried go first class for about 10% more, since there is no real difference between first and second on most of the routes few people pay the extra and the carriages are generally half full. We always buy the tickets in country a day or two prior. I haven't been on the Zagreb route but I have an associate that does every summer and says its a pleasant enough trip. sit on the left side I am told for the best views. Sorry I don't have more help. When you get to Bpest. I am a little more helpful.
You are surely helpful! So many unknowns and each little tidbit shaves off some of the doubt. Just the hint of sitting on the left, and of considering 1st class to take the worry out of finding seats...grateful to you for taking the time to respond. Will surely contact you when we get to Budapest!