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hotels in Bucharest, Romania

We would appreciate some recommendations for hotels or B&B's in Bucharest and is there a best part of town to stay in? We are flying in and training out. Will spend 3 days there. Richard, Fallbrook, USA

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1627 posts

We stayed at the Marriott when we were in Bucharest. It is a little way away from town so will generally require a cab - make sure you choose the right cab company or you will be taken for a ride. Nice hotel but depends on how much you are willing to spend.

Not sure what your price range is but in general for Eastern Europe my recommendation is to download the free tourist guides provided by 'inyourpocket' which beats almost all published guides and has upto date info. Go to

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7 posts

The Hilton is excellent. It is downtown on Revolution Square and near most city sights. For a tour guide, I have used Sorin Crupa. His website is called Velvet Tours. His prices are right, he is honest and his English is excellent. Romania is a great place.