The package I'm looking at thru BA includes hotel. Gloria Hotel in the Zizkov (Zitkov) area. Lonely Planet & Frommer's (Rick's was out at the library) describe this area as "rough around the edges". Gloria Hotel gets really reviews on TripAdvisor. Again, as I'm travelling solo, I'm a little worried about the area.
Does anyone have any comments about the Gloria & the area?
Thanks very much!
I haven't been there, but anytime LP describes someplace as "rough around the edges" I'd be pretty wary.
LP has described several places that I ended up in as "a good budget option" which I would describe as "a nightmarish hell-hole." Depends on your standards/comfort level, but I think LP tends to paint a very rosy (or at least benign) picture of some very sketchy dives.
You may want to help us out by at least identifying which city in which country you are referring to. I for one have no idea where Zizkov is. Not sure if you will get too many responses without further info and possibly a more appropriate title to the discussion
Thanks David - actually LP was referring to Zizkov,the area, not the Hotel Gloria. TripAdvisor gave the Gloria pretty good reviews - good value for money. It was not listed in the LP hotel listings. Same with Frommer's - they were talking about the area - not the hotel. Both called it working class, & "starting" to regentrifry, but "rough around the edges". Both said it was an easy tram/metro ride to the city centre.
Thanks again!