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Help with Athens budget lodging, Attalos ?

My husband, 12 year old son and I are planning a 2008 trip to Greece/Turkey. I need help with loding in Athens. Location and price are most important to us, view would be third. I was looking at Hotel Attalos; however, Frommer says prostitutes and drug dealers have been seen on this street and another guidebook called it a seedy area. What would you recommend between Attalos, Acropolis House or Acropolis View?
Any other recommendations would be appreciated as well.

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223 posts

Debra, I would suggest you go to They rate every hotel and include recent traveler comments. Not only will you learn more about the Attalos, but you might see an alternative that meets your needs even better! Have fun.

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83 posts

I heard good things from Matt Barrett's site on the Attalos - perhaps that's why I wasn't able to book a room there. Looking at the location, I can see why it might be referred to as seedy. I was down in that area to go drinking at some bars, it was a lot of fun. Never saw any prostitutes, though.
We stayed 2 different places (pre & post island hopping): Athens Studios & Hotel Adams (recommended @ Both simple & well run, in the Plaka & in a decent area.
Athens is a busy city teeming with life, the undesirable elements are just a natural occurance w/ so many tourists. However, we never felt it was an obvious presence during our trip. Enjoy!

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74 posts

I booked the Attalos and will be there Sept.29. I'll try to remember to post my findings! email me a reminder if you want! We'll be there for 3 days.
I should remind you that some peoples trash is another person's treasure. I can't tell you how many perfectly lovely small hotels were "TRASHED" by travelers expecting the Marriott!

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59 posts

I can say 100% stay away from Omega Hotel and Hotel Rio.

Rio is ok, but not worth 50 euro

Omega is in the same type location. Prostitutes in the doorway and IV drug users shooting up around the corner.

TripAdvisor is a good site, just be sure to read all the reviews to get the whole picture. It is true that sometimes people just bash a place because they were expecting the Ritz. 1-5 reviews I would ignore them, 5 or more reviews should be a good picture of what to expect. Also check another review site just for a second opinion.

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7 posts

Could you recommend another review site?

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74 posts

As I type, I am staying in the Hotel Attalos in Athens. There are 4 other people in line waiting for the internet (there are two free computers to use) and I polled them as well. Verdict....great place to stay. The rooms are budget, simple and two twin beds pushed together as commonly done in Europe. Nothing fancy about this place. The location is great. Service is wonderful and the rooftop bar has a fabulous view of the acropolis.

It's a hit.
Cathy Fleck