Thanks for all the tips from regular posters to other queries. Having read those, I have additional questions. My husband and I are in our early 60s, active (he's a VERY active cyclist, runner, hiker, etc, so I often "hole up" in a village while he treks), avid travelers. Neither of us has ever been to Greece. We are planning a trip of just under 3 weeks for spring 2010. We prefer staying in one or two places and relaxing, soaking up atmosphere, and doing day trips rather than non-stop touring. However, that said, we frequently get enticed into over-planning because of all the wonderful sites we could visit! Our intent for Greece is to spend some time in Athens, then go to one (at most, two) islands. Having read your posts, I realize we should allow a few days back in Athens at the end of the trip, to ensure catching our plane, so we would probably divide up the Athens time. Náfplio also sounds very interesting, almost a "don't miss," so we are considering adding that. From your tips, the Hotel Phaedra sounds great.
We were considering three different islands: Náxos, Folégandhros, or Santoríni. My dream would be a quiet fishing village with wonderful beaches and outstanding little cafés and restaurants, friendly people, picturesque scenery. We are not into nightlife. From what I've read, I'm leaning toward Náxos, with maybe a shorter trip to one of the others.
Okay, for my questions:
If we decide to go to Náfplio, how much time do we need to allow so it won't be rushed?
Given what I've said, does Náxos sound like a good choice for us? Any specific recommendations for accommodations there?
We were originally planning this trip to start the last week of April and go till mid-May. Then I read in some travel guides that it doesn't really get warm till May, even then cool for swimming, which I want to do! We could, w/ some inconvenience, push the trip back 1-3 weeks at most. Thoughts?