our cruise ship will dock in Alexandria for 2 days (Sunday through Monday). Can someone recommend a good tour to see the Pyramids and other sites?
I believe Alexandria is in Egypt, northern Africa. Anna, you may need to ask this question on some other Helpline since this website is dedicated to European travel.
Rick has produced TV shows about travel to Egypt, so the question is valid:
Anna, try this: go to www.boards.cruisecritic.com. Scroll down, way down to Ports of Call, and click onto Middle East & Africa. You will find a message board for that part of the world and you may get the info you need there. If not, join as a member and post your own question.
Seeing the pyramids at Giza was the thrill of my life. Michael Schneider who often contributes here has said the ones in Mexico are just as wonderful and cheaper to get to. I have seen some of them and they are thrilling too, but not a patch on Giza. Not a patch.
You might also try TripAdvisor. They cover the world. ; ) Pam
Thanks Pamela, Norma, and Steve. The sites suggested are very helpful especially www.boardcruisecritic.com. We have decided to use Ramses Tour to visit the pyramids and Memphis.
If you get the chance the new library in Alexandria is worth a visit. It is a beauty. (It is the only place in the world I have ever been where there is a sign warning of a fine for the use of a cell phone on the premises. A small fine, to be sure, because it is mostly students who use the library. What a concept.)