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Fly Fishing in the Ukraine

My turn. Does anyone know of a fly fishing guide in the west of the Ukraine? Maybe around L'viv or Yaremche or Uzhhorod? Thanks

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1840 posts

We saw lots of people fishing in western Ukraine but nobody was using the method where you flail the water in hopes of causing fish to rise to your bait. You might find a tourist information site online and quiry someone there. I stopped in two angling shops that had fly fishing equipment so someone must beating the water to pieces.

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34564 posts

James, I know that you know reams more about the eastern part of Europe than I, but I will just point out that we have Ukrainian friends who say that "the Ukraine" is a holdover term from former days. They much prefer "Ukraine" without the "the". I suppose it depends which political side one supports or would like to be seen to support.

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21378 posts

Nigel, I don't know much at all about Eastern Europe. My first visit (and only visit) to Eastern Europe was a brief trip to Moscow a few years back. So I am looking forward to it. Even if I do intend to beat the water with my tippet. I appreciate the correction. Like learning to say hello and thank you in the local language when traveling; understanding a few basics like this I think makes people a little happier to have you among them. Oh, Monte; we use wet flies too. They sink to the fish.

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2898 posts

Sounds like fun! I'm not sure if there is a Ukrainian version of iFish...but you might try posting on the Lonely Planet forums, there's an interesting group of people on there who might be able to help. Also I just did a quick google search and found a post on this blog, you might contact him for ideas.

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21378 posts

Cl, thanks for the input. We went fly fishing in Slovakia earlier this year and had such a good time that we are heading back agin in April 2013. I always wanted to begin exploring Eastern Europe and I thought the Ukrainian Carpathians might be a good start. So a week in Ukraine and a week in Slovakia then on to Budapest for a final week. Now I just have to find a guide in Ukraine (better Nigel?). Every lead helps!

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1840 posts

James, could you go into a little detail about the gear you used, rod, line tippet, patterns. If you have time I would appreciate it. Thanks.

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21378 posts

The flies were provided by the guide which is generally the best way to go as the guide knows the environs better, Generally small emerges and nymphs. The only one I recognized was something similar to a zebra midge . All 18 or smaller. We used Sage 5 rods but a 4 would have been better and the guide used a 3 and out cast me by a long shot. this guy was good. Lines were Orvis trout lines. Don't remember the model, but not their most expensive one. Leaders were cheap nylon 4x. 5x would have been better but 4x is almost smaller than my poor old eyes can handle. We used 9 foot leaders except when we attempted Czech nymphing we added a few more feet of 4x tippet to get some more reach. These aren't trophy waters, just good people doing good fishing. Great trip. Some picts on The Pond web site.

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1840 posts

Thanks. The reason I asked is because we flail the water from time to time, and I'm always interested in what other people are using just before they heave it into the water, followed by a brisk dusting motion with the hands.