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flights from boston to prague

I'm looking online for flight details, etc and trying to decide on an airline for our trip from Boston to Prague. I have limited exposure flying to Europe. Does anyone have a favorite airline? Why?

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4637 posts

One good option would be to get to New York and then fly to Prague direct nonstop by Delta.

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15 posts

Jo-Ann, I flew to Prague in October for the first time. I flew from Philadelphia by British Air to London and stayed there a few nights to catch my breath, so to speak. Then on a Sunday I flew to Prague at 11:15 a.m. On the return flight I left Prague at 8:15 a.m. for a flight to London and then a later in the day flight back to Philadelphia. So you might get a similar schedule from Boston.
I chose British Air for its schedule and for its service, which I find great. From Prague airport, it is very easy to get into the city by bus and metro. A service desk in the arrival area will be very helpful with information.

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6 posts

My favourite airline as well is British Airways. I love the service, the food and the sleeping pods. BA fly out of Boston connecting in either Heathrow or Madrid for Prauge.