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financial situation in Greece

OK, so Greece has been in the news lately over their financial crisis. What does this mean, with respect to travel? Prices better, or worse? Possibility of infrastructure failing (public transportation, intercity rail, ...)? We're eventually going to wind up in Rome, where my wife begins a summer study program, but we have ~2 weeks beforehand to sight see (second two weeks of June). Any suggestions?

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11507 posts

JW,, not trying to be too flip,, but as a Canadian I can assure you we hear alot about the financial crises in the States,, homes being foreclosed on,, people going bankrupt, crushing medical debts etc.etc etc. but, as a tourist,, I was there ( LA) about a month ago,, and can honestly say,, to look at it, you would never guess there was any problems in the American economy as it would affect a TOURIST. We had a lovely visit,, paid too much for some things.. as one always does on holiday,, but noticed the touristy sites were filled with other tourists,, a majority who seemed to be American themselves.. so obviously everyone is not in the poor house yet.

So, while I know that is not a direct answer,, you have to realize that as a tourist you will be fairly insulated from what is happening finciacially in a country if you are just popping in for a week or two.

Although situation may be not so great,, Greece is hardly a third world country, so I think you will find most things fine.

I can't assure you about Greek transport schedules not being disrupted or erradict though,, my experience, though years ago,, was that they have a more "relaxed" attitude to some things. Nothing like say,, "Swiss" precsion.. LOL

Go and have fun,, a bit of an adventure.. ( tell yourself thats what it is when something randomly goes on strike,, LOL) our first experience in Athens was arriving to a taxi strike,, and having to get on a local public bus ,, where the driver spoke no english,, fun fun fun..after travelling 13 hours ,, yes,, those were the days.. LOL

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32331 posts


While Greece is having some "financial difficulties" these days, they've been offered some significant loan guarantees (about $35B as I recall) from the E.U., so everything should be "normal" for now.

I was also concerned about the situation in Greece, as I'll be heading there later this spring (provided the flight situation improves).


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881 posts

I wouldn't stress it JW. Greece is so closely tied to the rest of Europe financially, that they can't afford to let it collapse ("too big to fail") part of the learning process for the EU, but I would just keeps your eyes open on BBC news or other sites, and you'd probably be fine.

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3396 posts

Small correction, i would recommend not relying that much on BBC, or even CNN for an accurate assessment of the Greek situation. My friends (nonGreeks) who live in Greece tell us that BBC distorts the Greek situation for sensationalism (sorta like the Fox News approach in US) ... best to look at Reuters, AP, INternational Herald Tribune, or just Google & choose.

During the March demonstrations (mainly students & govt workers with placards), BBC used some footage dating back 30 years, of "riots".