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Euros in Turkey

Many prices like taxi and hotel rates in Istanbul are quoted in euros. Are euros so widely accepted that they can be obtained from an ATM? Or, can only lira be obtained with a cash card? Should euros be taken into Turkey?

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120 posts

The bank machines in Istanbul will dispense money in euros or lira - your choice.

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2787 posts

I was in Turkey in May and June of this year and even tho some prices were quoted in euros, like hotels for instance, I paid everything with TL that I got out of ATMs all over the western part of Turkey. We had euros since we were in Paris before and after Turkey, but never used them in Turkey. Get TL at the first place you hit in Turkey using a DEBIT card at an ATM.

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2876 posts

You're always better off paying your bills in the local currency in any country. Some Turkish merchants may accept euros, but the exchange rate you get will always have a "cushion" in their favor.

Also, some ATM's in Turkey may dispense euros. In my experience (Istanbul only), most do not.

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156 posts

Thanks to all for the comments. I've found using local currencies was always preferable but was puzzled why so many rates were quoted in euros. Will pick up some TLs at Ataturk upon arrival.

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3112 posts

I find it common for hotels in non-EU European countries to quote rates in euro. I suspect it just provides a convenient reference for their EU guests, as my bill upon check-out has always been in the local currency.

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52 posts

if you are only in town for a day (e.g., on a cruise ship) you may decide to pay with dollars or euros. The price in euros was better than the price in dollars (given the current exchange rate).

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990 posts

Hotels in Turkey have long quoted rates in euros because Turkey suffered through a period of very high inflation. If the rates had been quoted in lira, over the course of the season, the hotel would have lost their shirts! Since the euro was a far more stable currency, it gave peace of mind to the hotel owner who had to post rates in advance.