We are flying out of Athens to London Gatwick in July. The Easyjet website reads, "Each hold bag is charged at 15 Euros per bag at the airport." Does this mean that we will have to pay for our one and only hold bag? In other words, are we not allowed one free hold bag in addition to our carry-on?
The European discount airlines are notorious for extra charges and charging to check your bag is not uncommon. And your carryon bag better be small and underweight or they will charge for that.
If you indicate when you purchase your tickets, the charge for checking a bag is reduced to 9 Euro.
Norm, from I understand from you is that if we show the clerk at the ticket counter that we purchased the tickets on-line on February 2, 2008 then we will only have to pay 9 Euros per bag for each of the three of us. Is that correct? :):):)
No, what Norm was saying was that if you indicate when you are initially purchasing the ticket that you will be checking a bag, the fee is 9 euros. So, did you tick that box when you ordered your ticket? If you did, you get the lower charge, but if you didn't, then you'll pay the higher charge.
JER, thanks for helping. I feel like a kindergartner with such different practices, but I'm learning. :):):):)
Yes I believe that's what they meant. I don't know about the EUR9 or 15 charge, but I know the discount European airlines charge for extra bags. That's why they can keep their fairs so low.
US-based airlines too. After all, American announced it will start soon charging a $15 fee for the first bag.