My good lady and myself have July/August to travel around Eastern Europe(Czech Republic, Croatia etc), we are thinking maybe Turkey aswell, and I would love to go to the Greek Islands. Can anyone recommend if this is possible on an average budget, and/or any suggestions on places YOU have enjoyed???
I would love some help. Cheers......
I'm not sure what an "average" budget is, but I'd consider myself there, so I'll give my input. This area of Europe is much less expensive than Stockholm (we'll be there this summer) I haven't been to Turkey so can't speak for that, but everywhere else the prices were really good. We did a one day cruise of 4 Grk. islands for $50 each which seemed reasonable. In Croatia we had friends make a reservation in a hotel that didn't meet the lowest standards of America and cost $200 for 2, but then we ask for it. Homes or very small hotels are the way to stay in Croatia, Hungary, Czech Repbulic because the hotels are trying to cater to the business travelers. Not my kind of stay plus I'd rather have money for the adventure and eating. On the Greek Islands, check around. Everyone loves Santorini, but there are so many islands that haven't made it big and the stay is as beautiful for a lower price. The isles that see tons of tourists also have much pushier sales people!
Compared to Germany, the Czech Republic is cheap (even if Prague is becoming a little too Disney-esque)... compared to the Czech Republic, Poland and Bulgaria are dirt cheap and worth a visit... and Lithuania is less expensive still, and very enjoyable. Russia in general is very inexpensive as well, but rather pricey in the areas of intrest to foreign tourists (Moscow, St. Petersburg).