I would like some feedback on planning a non driving three week trip to Eastern Europe next summer with my husband and teen. I'm interested in a combination of cities and country side. What's a reasonable itineary? We need to eventually make our way to Olso for a family reunion.
Hi Claudia,
If you don't already have it, Rick Steves' Eastern Europe would be a great place to start your itinerary planning. He includes an itinerary suggestion and lots of info on travel between the countries.
It's a tough question to answer because Eastern Europe is big. Do you want to concentrate on the North or the South? Many people consider the Czech Republic, Bratislava, Croatia, & Montenegro Eastern Europe, but they are actually central Europe. Do you plan to go as far East as the Ukraine? Since you plan to end in Oslo, a good itinerary may be to start south in Budapest and travel north by train to Bratislava, Prague, Warsaw, maybe Gdansk, Berlin, & Copenhagen before going to Oslo. If you prefer to stay further East, then you can go from Poland to Riga & Talinn before crossing to Helsinki and then to Stockholm by ferry. You have lots of options and it sounds like it will be a great trip. I would start by checking the train and ferry routes to see what is possible.