Hello. I'm trying to plan my weeklong trip to Croatia, and I need to plan a side trip to Mostar, starting in Dubrovnik and ending up in Split (to eventually catch a plane out of Zadar later the following night). I'm looking for any feedback anyone might be able to provide. I know my options include taking an organized tour (Atlas), though Rick says they aren't as satisfying. I also know I can just rent a car, but I'm a little apprehensive about getting around, and I'm curious if anyone knows if the border crossing take much time or provide any difficulty. The bus schedules haven't seemed great. Does anyone have any recommendations for leaving Dubrovnik, going to Mostar, then ending up at Zadar (likely via Split???). I'd appreciate any light you could shed on what I mentioned above. Thanks so much, and take care.
Renting a car is pretty easy. But why don't you just drive from Germany? It's not that far.
Hi Margaret, I'm a little unclear - are you planning on doing Dubrovnik > Mostar > Split as a day trip, or were you going to overnight in Mostar? My husband and I took that exact route via public bus a few years ago (not as a day trip, though). It's difficult to assess how long the border crossings will take, because there will be so many factors involved (how many cars/buses are in line, if anyone on your bus is traveling on a visa that needs further inspection, time of day, how many agents are staffed, etc.). I seem to recall it took us about 30-60 minutes to get through going to Mostar from DBV (and remember, there are technically two border crossings for this route) and maybe a little less coming back into Croatia. I remember trying to research before we left how long each leg would take transportation-wise, and finding that people would have varying opinions. After getting there, I realized everyone would have had a different experience at the border crossings, which accounted for the disparity in travel times. We also had an interesting experience going from Mostar to Split - the bus inexplicably dropped us off in Medjugorje, left, and it took an eternity for another one to arrive. No one could figure out what was going on, even a young Croatian woman who spoke the language. Our 3 1/2 to 4 hour journey ended up taking well over 7. That experience may be atypical, but delays do happen. It's for this reason, and the fact that I feel Mostar is worth more than a few hours on a day trip, that I'd highly suggest you consider overnighting there (if you weren't already). With an overnight, it looks like the bus schedules might line up a bit better?
Thanks so much, Angela! Your post was really helpful! I kind of know what to expect on the border crossings, and I'm definitely going to spend a night in Mostar now. Thanks again, and take care.
In 2008, I made the same bus trip as Angela with very similar experience, so let me add a couple of tips. Ask your Dubrovnik hotel to call the bus station and reserve tickets to Mostar, which you can pick up the when you arrive at the bus station. In Mostar, bus tickets to Split can only be purchased in local currency. Try to find an ATM and buy your tickets when you arrive, as buses can and do sell out. Buying a day in advance (i.e your arrival day) should be fine. All in all, the bus trip worked well.
Thanks for the info, Frank! I found a rental car company through the UK with amazing deals on renting a car, and I may just opt to do that. I'm still waiting to hear back on final confirmation, but they offered me a rate of about 55 euros with gps navigation to drive from dubrovnik, an excursion to mostar, and dropping it off in zadar (+ gas, of course). I appreciate all your advice, and happy travels.
My wife and I visited Croatia last October. We rented a car and travelled from Zagreb, to Split, to Mostar and to Dubrovnik.
Driving in Croatia is easy so no worries there. The border crossing to Mostar is very easy. The minute they realize you don't speak their language they wave you through. Be sure to spend a night in Mostar. The city is wonderful. Also try to get to Korcula if possible.
Thanks so much for all of the great info! We just returned from an amazing trip and everyone's insight really helped make our trip a success. Thanks!
We are from the US and are planning a trip next spring to Germany and Croatia. We will rent a car in Mainz and drive the entire trip, plus stay with German friends for a while. So far all of the car rental companies have informed me that, if I rent the car in Germany, they will not permit me to take it into Bosnia for the very short distance required to drive from Split to Dubrovnik. This would leave the ferry as an only option, but it is expensive. Does anyone know an alternative? Thanks.
I went to Dubrovnik from Mostar via bus through a town called Ploce (on the coast), so I'm fairly sure buses run in the opposite direction as well. On the way back, you'd just go north all the way to Split (there are lots of buses that go between Split and Dubrovnik along the coastline). If you stay overnight in Mostar, I would recommend the Muslibegovich House - lovely, clean, and delicious breakfast.