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Driving from Prague to Cesky Krumlov

How far, and how long is the drive from Prague to Cesky Kumlov?

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1525 posts Those two links are all you need for directions, distance, etc. Driving in rural areas is absolutely no different than in the US, except the signs look different. I cannot stress this enough; You do not want to have a car in ANY European city larger than 500,000 people or so. It is not worth the hassle to park, or pay for parking, or pay congestion fees. And you would be insane to think you will use it to drive from one tourist attraction to another within the city. You can do that in the US, with some effort. You will NOT be able to do that in Europe. There is a reason they have fantastic public transit systems.

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17 posts

I would definately see the Bone Church on the way. Way cool and unlike anything I had ever seen. PM me if you want details or would like to read a painfully long trip report from a few years back. the turnip [email protected]

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15 posts

The bus worked fine for us.
We took the train as a day trip to Hortna Kunta.

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4637 posts

Unfortunately Bone Church or ossuary in Kutna Hora is not on the way to Cesky Krumlov. Kutna Hora is about 60 km east of Prague. Cesky Krumlov is about 160 km south of Prague.