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December Trip to Greece

My husband and I are planning a trip to Greece on 12/26-12/31. We are energetic and want to see as much as we can in 4 full days. Do you think it is possible to do the following:

Dec. 26 Fly from Athens to Santorini
Dec. 27 Last flight from Santorini to Athens
Dec. 28 Delphi
Dec. 29 Mycenae-Epidaurus
Dec. 30 Athens
Dec. 31 Home

Thank you for your help!

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32331 posts


That's a very ambitious plan for a visit of only four days, and not really practical IMO (even if it is "doable"). Keep in mind that you have to allow time for travel between airports, waiting times, check-in, security and the other usual hassles. If there's a "problem" with any leg of a plan like this, it will affect the rest of the plan.

Were you planning to travel with carry-on only? The European airlines have some VERY restrictive baggage limits, and many allow only ONE carry on item per passenger. That doesn't mean "one plus a personal item" it literally means ONE ONLY! If you have heavy checked luggage, you may face overweight luggage charges.

The other thing to remember is that many of Greek Islands are somewhat "quiet" during the winter and the weather may not even be too favourable.

For such a short trip, you might want to stick with Athens and a few stops on the Peloponnese peninsula (Hydra might be one possibility?).

Good luck!

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23574 posts

Ken, somewhat quiet statement may be a real under statement. It can be bad at that time weather wise and the island is shut down. We were think of spending this past week on Santorini. This past week was the last week that the hotel was opened.

Posted by
1415 posts


Have you actually checked internal flights? Aegean do have a flight Santorini - Athens on 27th December but it's at 12.30 and costs 300 euros for two people one way.

As other people have said this looks too much to me. Minimum journey time from central Athens to the airport is 45 minutes, so you are spending an awful lot of your holiday travelling.

I'm with those who suggest an extra day in Athens. (Mind you my partner and I are spending two weeks over Christmas and New Year just in Athens. We may be a bit less energetic than you!)

Have a good trip whatever you decide.


Posted by
5 posts

Thank you everyone. We appreciate all your feedback. Deep down, we knew we had too much planned. It is a one-time trip which explains trying to do/see so much. We will regroup, see less, and enjoy.

Alan, enjoy your trip as well.

Posted by
32331 posts


I knew the word "quiet" was a bit of an under statement, but figured it would still be accurate. Winter is not the best time to be travelling the Greek Islands.

I happened to be speaking with someone from Greece yesterday, and asked her if the "quiet" nature of the islands was still the same in the winter. She said definitely YES! Many Hotels and other tourist facilities are CLOSED.

On a related note, in speaking with the woman from Greece, I was overjoyed to learn that we're at last getting another Greek restaurant here!!! We had a good restaurant here but it closed down a year or so ago, and another one closed about a month ago so I've been in "withdrawal" since then. There are a few Greek restaurants in neighboring towns, but too far to drive to dine there on a regular basis.
