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Cutest walled city in Eastern Europe

On a previous trip to Europe we spent time in Rottenburg, in the Bavaria region of Germany. As Rick Steves said, it was the coolest little walled city in Germany. We even visited the one and only shop he recommended in any of his books I have read. We are now planning a trip to Eastern Europe, and would like to visit the same sort of charming cities. Does anyone know of a walled city, or another small charming city that they would recommend. We are still deciding on the countries, based on the experiences we will have, so we are open to all suggestions. We also love castles. Berg Eltz was the bomb! Any great castle suggestions? Thank you!

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10 posts

Thanks for your quick reply! This is what I was looking for, especially ?eský Krumlov, CZ and both towns in Romania. Thank you again!

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1632 posts

Tallinn, Estonia Torun, Poland Kotor, Montenegro Dubrovnik, Croatia V Tranova, Bulgaria
are some that come to mind

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21414 posts

Sorry I keep bringing this up, but I think its interesting. "Eastern Europe" by the Baby Boomer US definition is any plance in Europe that was once allied with the Soviet Union. The zones of Europe are defined differently by most Europeans, especially those that live in "Eastern Europe". No one over there is going to fault you if you call a Czech an Eastern European but they might be more impressed if you called them a Central European. So just for the fun of it i did some research. EASTERN EUROPE without much debate includes: Russia (parts of), Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Kazakhstan. However, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are also Eastern European but they escape the label at times by using the term "the Caucasus". Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania would be thought of as Eastern Europe but they avoid the label by using the term "Baltic States". CENTRAL EUROPE without much debate includes: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Austria, Switzerland and Germany are either Central or Western Europe depending on who you talk to while Slovenia is either Central or South East Europe depending on who you talk to. Croatia, Serbia and Romania belong either in Southeastern Europe or Central Europe depending on who you talk to. SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE is composed of the old Balkan States and without much debate includes Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and part of Turkey. Cyprus is called either Southwest ASIA or Southeastern Europe, again depending on who you talk to and their motives. Greece has been catalogued as either Southeastern Europe or Southern Europe (which can include Spain).